Your prized books deserve better and should be displayed on a beautiful bookshelf. You don’t need to spend a lot of money on vintage books or modern knockoffs from big-box retailers.

1. Equation Bookshelf

Marcos Breder’s Equation Bookshelf was designed around the principle of placing items in a particular order. The layout is unique, trendy, and distinct, as you will see. Between the parentheses, you can place the books you most frequently read (or a framed photo) — whatever you want to be the central point of your bookshelf.

2. Folding Bookshelf

These unique foldable bookshelves allow you to organize your books in many different ways. The bookshelves are composed of strong cherry wood, yet they have the weight of rice paper; they may be used horizontally/vertically and could be put down, stood up, and flipped 90 degrees.

3. Quad Bookcase

Quad Bookcases are multi-sized shelves that can store CDs, DVDs and books. You can connect units to increase storage capacity. Harmony in perfect symmetry!

4. Bench Shelf

It has a contemporary design.

5. Wall-length Bookcase

As you can see, this unusual bookshelf took over an entire wall. This is the end result: a truly unique bookshelf.

6. The Storyline Shelf

This bookcase is an excellent way to organize your books in a modern manner. This bookcase is well-built and gives sound a tangible form. Once a word has been transformed into sound waves, its physical shape is reproduced in powder-coated metal. This stunning painting was inspired by the term “bliss”.

7. FlexiTube

FlexiTube, a transparent room barrier, can be moved about. These tubs can be moved around, installed in any space and transformed into shelf art. The many parts are supported by the velvety surface. A storage shelf is included in each tube. It also serves as a decorative element.

8. Opus Shelving

It is made of the same material as motorbike helmets and vehicle bumpers: “expanded plasticpropylene”. It is lightweight and durable and can be used indoors or outdoors. It can also be recycled completely. The item was not intended to be used for bookshelves. We’ve seen it used to store CDs, DVDs and other items, including liquor bottles, toys, CDs, DVDs, and records.

9. The Rolling Shelf

The Rolling Shelf is made up of different pieces of wood, which are joined on one side by fabric. You can create many different and visually appealing shelf options with this elastic hinge.

10. The Magnetique Shelf

Manistique Shelf (birch plywood) is made up of sheet steel and FU plates. You can install the steel horizontally or vertically on walls.